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Metrics for "Greenness" & "Efficiency"

There are a number of different metrics that have been put forward for evaluating energy and power efficiency and not all of them are particularly useful. Pacific Controls iDCMS can calculate whatever metrics users require, however, the standard metrics used by Pacific Controls are chosen to be:

  • Intuitive: the meaning is clear, just from the name
  • Simple as possible, without glossing over important details
  • Scientifically accurate and precise
  • Granular enough that individual aspects can be analysed in manageable chunks then assigned to specific parties for improvement
  • Nested together elegantly, so the overall equation for Data Center power or energy use is simple
  • Able to easily calculate how much of a Data Center’s power, or energy, is wasted by a particular practice, process, or configuration
  • Sufficiently flexible to respond to new technology developments
  • Able to clearly distinguish between power and energy
  • Devoid of ambiguous terms
  • Vendor-neutral, without hindering vendor-dependent R&D innovation.

Pacific Controls Cloud Services