Grid Asset Monitoring – The Grid Asset Monitoring solution provides dynamic, real-time load synchronization with grid operations. This allows utility operators to balance renewable variable generation sources such as solar, plug electric vehicles, and storage devices connected to buildings. It also makes it possible to coordinate the intelligent unloading of critical distribution feeder assets, such as transformers, to increase asset life. This allows improved management of variable renewable generation sources such as high-penetration Photo-Voltaic (PV Solar) aggregations and MicroGrids. The service incorporates intelligent backfeed controls for bidirectional power flow on circuits, integrated with Demand Response (DR) to balance PV variability. It allows the intelligent use of DR capacity by the distribution network to improve reliability, and the use of distributed DR capacity to maintain stable voltage profiles (without voltage regulation and capacitor banks). Adaptive voltage control allows utilities to lower customers' net energy consumption and reduce distribution losses between the distribution feeder and the customer site; providing for optimization of distribution system assets.
Pacific Controls Energy Services solutions include: