Managed Services for Cathodic Protection
Oil and gas facilities often use cathodic protection (CP) systems to provide leading-edge corrosion control and chemical injection solutions. Corrosion is an enormous cost to these industries as measured in equipment maintenance and replacement, leaks and system failures.
Pacific Controls Managed Services help to dramatically reduce this waste by offering corrosion detection and cathodic protection management services that extend equipment life. Pacific Controls offer continuous online monitoring of the protection voltage and provides anytime, anywhere access to the CP information on laptops or handheld devices for immediate response to any problems. The service helps to minimize the cost of monitoring and increase its frequency dramatically. By detecting corrosion problems early, asset owners and CP suppliers can take action to extend equipment and asset life.
Key Benefits for Oil and Gas Companies
- Help optimize performance of plant and equipment
- Help increase the life of transmission and distribution pipelines, storage tanks, oil and natural gas well casings, bridge decks, piers and other critical infrastructure by monitoring corrosion potentials and environmental data and tracking rectifier voltage and current.
- Safety is improved, as critical alarms are detected and reported to the appropriate people as soon as they are raised.
- Provides useful intelligence, anywhere on any device for quicker actions
- Galaxy 2021's advanced fault detection and diagnostics framework will improve plant integrity by providing assurance that the equipment is being operated within predefined limits and that all safeguarding systems are working properly.
- Using rule-based expert systems and predictive intelligence, degrading performance is identified early and preventive actions taken.