
Pacific Controls IoT Marketplace

Managed Services for Waste Bins

Waste collection methods vary widely among different countries and regions. Domestic waste collection services are often provided by local government authorities, or by private companies in the industry. Monitoring service offering on this aspect ensures process is delivered with utmost efficiency. Bin collection can be done based on level and weight of bins and involved transportation can take optimum routes to carry out this exercise. Effluent gases and the composition of liquids in the drainage systems for chemical and similar plants can be monitored in real time to ensure that they comply with regulations limiting discharge of damaging liquids or gases to the environment and that full documentation is available for the regulatory authorities. Pacific Control's Waste Monitoring services introduced a new line of waste containers equipped with intelligent sensors that can measure how full they are in real-time, which can ensure that they are collected only when full, and thus help curb unnecessary clean-up and collection costs. The Smart Bins work with the use of small, battery-powered wireless sensors that are firmly attached and hidden under the container lids. They measure the inside of the container and that data is then sent across the cellular network to Pacific Control's cloud server for analysis and display.

Key Benefits

  • Optimize waste collection operations
  • Reduce environmental hazards
  • Encourages a smaller ecological footprint by guaranteeing fewer collection routes, decreasing carbon emissions and less traffic congestions.
  • Better management of waste collection fleet helps reduce costs
  • Easy identification of full waste Bins
  • Information surrounding heat levels from inside the containers are also conveyed, in case a fire breaks out, hence reduces risk of damages to properties and people.

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