
Pacific Controls IoT Marketplace

Managed Services for Tank Monitoring

Typically containing liquid substances, from waters to chemical or explosive materials, Tanks need to be monitored for storage levels, safety, regulatory compliance or various other purposes. Based on the kind of substance contained in the Tank, different sensors are installed which help in measurement of substance. Pacific Controls deploys intelligent gateway controllers that capture alarms and data from sensors, and transmit to Global Command and Control Center for monitoring and management. The data is analyzed by Galaxy 2021 Platform and presented for decision making. The data is also made available to Pacific Controls customers on real time basis, anywhere and on any device. This helps manage tanks remotely rather than making repeated visits to gauge the Tank level manually.

Key Benefits

  • Enhance productivity of staff by enabling remote monitoring of Tanks for level, safety or other regulatory compliance reasons
  • Immediate adjustments can be made remotely using any smart device
  • Provides on-site automation, reducing the chances of human errors
  • Captures and presents useful business intelligence based on data collected from sensors.
  • Multiple people can monitor Tank, which helps in timely and efficient attendance to any problem

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